
Jen MeyerAssociate Professor of Government & Public Health, Program Chair of Public Health

Email: jorgill@fandm.edu


My research focuses on the intersection of environment and development economics, and examines the contributors to and impacts of environmental-related health issues. Specifically, I study why households often show low demand for seemingly cost-effective technologies, what behaviors households use to cope with poor environmental quality, and how environmental health related illnesses affect long-run human capital development. My research to-date primarily focuses on water and sanitation issues but also explores topics such as water supply, energy access, climate change mitigation and adaptation, poverty, and gender.

For my information about my research and teaching, please visit my personal web page: 



Ph.D. Environmental Economics and Policy, Duke University, 2017.

M.P.P., Duke University.

B.S. Economics & B.A. Political Science, The George Washington University.



* indicates equal contributions by authors. 

Morgan, S., Baker, J., Orgill-Meyer, J., Jeuland, M. (2021). Valuing Water Quality with Adaptation: Evidence from a natural experiment in Jordan. Water Economics and Policy.

Sheahan, K, Orgill-Meyer, J., Paul J., Weinberger M., Curtis S., Speizer I., Bennett A (2021). Development of Facility-Level Integration Indexes to Determine the Extent Family Planning and Child Immunization Services Integration in Health Facilities in Urban Areas of Nigeria. Reproductive Health, 18(47).

Orgill-Meyer J. (2020). Interaction of Village Latrine Coverage and School Latrines on Educational Outcomes in India. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development. 

Orgill-Meyer, J., Pattanayak, S. (2020). Improved Sanitation Increases Long-Term Cognitive Test Scores. World Development, 132.

 *Kaczan, D., *Orgill-Meyer, J. (2019). The impact of climate change on migration: a synthesis of recent empirical insights. Climatic Change, 158: 281-300.

Orgill-Meyer, J., Pattanayak, S., Chindarkar, N., Dickinson, K., Panda, U., Rai, S., Sahoo, B., Singha, A., Jeuland, M. (2019). Long-term impact of a community-led sanitation campaign in India, 2005-2016. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 97(8): 523-533A.

Orgill-Meyer, J.,  Jeuland, M., Albert, J., & Cutler, N. (2018). Comparing Contingent Valuation and Averting Expenditure Estimates of the Costs of Irregular Water Supply. Ecological Economics, 146: 250-264. 

Jeuland, M., Orgill, J., Shaheed, A., Brown, J. (2016). A matter of good taste: Investigating preferences for in-house water treatment. Environment and Development Economics, 21(3): 291-317.

Shaheed, A., Orgill, J., Montgomery, M., Jeuland, M., Brown, J. (2014). Why 鈥渋mproved鈥 water sources are not always safe. Bulletin Of The World Health Organization, 92(4): 283-289.

Shaheed, A., Orgill, J., Ratana, C., Montgomery, M., Jeuland, M., Brown, J. (2014). Water quality risks of 鈥榠mproved鈥 water sources: evidence from Cambodia. Tropical Medicine & International Health, 19(2): 186鈥194.

Orgill, J.; Shaheed, A., Brown, J., Jeuland, M. (2013). Water Quality Perceptions and Willingness to Pay for Clean Water in Peri-urban Cambodian Communities. Journal of Water and Health, 11(3): 489鈥506.